About this Tool

Using Canvas Collaborations, available in both course sites and group sites, you and your students can create files and share them with selected members of the class. Once a file has been shared, invited collaborators have full editing rights. Currently, both Google GSuite and Microsoft 365 files are supported, and both permit multiple users to edit files concurrently. Shared files are accessible via the Collaborations tool in Canvas. Google files are also available in the "Shared with Me" area of Google Drive.

The first time you or your students launch Collaborations or other Google integration points in Canvas, you'll be prompted to authorize your Google account. IU strongly encourages all IU students, faculty, and staff to authorize their Google at IU account rather than a personal Google account.

Key Features for Teaching and Learning

  • Share notes. You and your students can use Collaborations to share and edit class notes.
  • Create a text-based whiteboard. You can use Google docs or Microsoft 365 Word to create a whiteboard that everyone in the classroom can see and refer to later.
  • Facilitate group work. Your students can work in small groups, either synchronously or asynchrously, to create documents, slideshows, and spreadsheets.