Images and Videos of Cross-Listing Assistant
About this Tool
The Cross-listing Assistant in Canvas helps you combine enrollments from multiple course sections into a single primary Canvas site, which means you don't have to manage a separate version of the course for each section. This tool shows you all uncrosslisted sections in which you are enrolled as a teacher or related role. You can then select and move sections into the current course. Additional capabilities are available for Canvas admins.
Key Features for Teaching and Learning
- View and select sections. The Crosslisting Assistant displays all SIS sections in which you are enrolled as the instructor, and you can select them by clicking on them.
- Crosslist selected sections. Once uncrosslisted sections are selected, you can proceed with crosslisting them into the current course.
- De-crosslist selected sections. You can remove sections that have already been crosslisted by selecting them from the listed of cross-listed sections.
- View already cross-listed and non-SIS sections. Canvas admins can use the "Impersonate User" feature to crosslist sections on behalf of the course instructor.
No additional cost
Privacy, accessibility, and other information
Integrated into Canvas.
Available in Course Settings Sidebar