About this Tool

Gradescope is an innovative grading platform that optimizes grading, enhancing both efficiency and consistency. It accommodates various types of assignments, from traditional paper-based exams to digital submissions, and integrates with Canvas.

The platform simplifies the creation and management of assignments, allowing instructors to upload their materials or use Gradescope’s tools to build assignments from scratch. Students or instructors can submit student work online, which can then be graded manually or with the help of automated tools that Gradescope provides.

Key Features for Teaching and Learning

  • Assess a variety of assignments. Gradescope handles multiple assignment types, including exams, quizzes, homework, and coding projects.
  • Grade efficiently. Tools such as rubrics and AI assistance allow for quick grading.
  • Grade constistenly. Adaptive rubrics ensure uniform feedback across different graders and sections.
  • Review analytics. Gradescope provides insights into student performance and grading trends.

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