About this Tool

Piazza is designed to help save you time. When your students post their questions on Piazza, you and your TAs can respond to each question just once instead of answering the same question multiple times over email. Once a class becomes active on Piazza, students often contribute answers to each other's questions on their own. You can endorse or correct a response posted by the community to give confidence that it’s backed by the teaching staff. Students who would otherwise not actively participate or seek out help (be they too shy or geographically distant) can find their voice in the classroom and get the assistance they need through Piazza’s anonymous posting function. Collaboration on Piazza stimulates discussion and active learning long after lecture ends.

Key Features for Teaching and Learning

  • Post anonymously. You can change the level of anonymity (fully anonymous or just to classmates) to generate healthy and comfortable discussion in your class.
  • Endorse useful answers. Endorse students' answers with one click, letting them know that the answer is instructor-approved.
  • Use LaTeX editor and code block support. Share chemical equations or code snippets easily with Piazza's robust editor.
  • Monitor participation. Monitor and easily download participation statistics to get a sense of who's engaged and who might need extra support.

Teaching Stories using this Tool

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